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Social Networks

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Social networks often serve as a medium for the diffusion of ideas or innovations. An individual’s decision whether to adopt a product or innovation will be highly dependent on the choices made by the individual’s peers or neighbors in the social network.

Social networks often serve as a medium for the diffusion of ideas or innovations. An individual’s decision whether to adopt a product or innovation will be highly dependent on the choices made by the individual’s peers or neighbors in the social network. Using game theory, we can model the competitive diffusion of innovations in social networks. In our work, we collected data from one of the most popular social networks of time, Twitter, and used that for implementing the diffusion model.


Finished Projects:

1. An evolutionary approach for influence maximization in social networks

 One of the major problems of social networks is the problem of finding a small subset of nodes (seed nodes) in a social network that could maximize the spread of influence, which refers to influence maximization. Game theory is a strong tool for analyzing and modeling the situations in which one’s benefit depends on his own choice and others’ behavior. The evolutionary stable strategy is a known topic in game theory which has a similar modality as an influence maximization problem that can be used to analyze this problem. In this work, we developed a framework based on evolutionary game theory to analyze the influence maximization problem.


  • Dr.  Mohammad Hossein Manshaei
  • Sara Ranjbaran
  • Parand Mousavi
  • Hanieh Shadmehr
  • Masoud Sadri
  • Ahmad Derakhshan


  • Dr. Mohammad Ali Montazeri
Reseach Type
Field Projects

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