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آرشیو خبرها

  • M.Sc Defense: Summer 2015

    Ms. Tavakoli defended her master thesis on 21 September 2015. Her thesis is titled: "A Game Theoretical Model for Switching Dormant to Proliferative Phenotypes in Cancer Tumors". GTMD members congratulate Ms. Tavkoli for her graduation.

  • Dr. Manshaei welcomes the UNCTAD Delegation to IUT

    Three members of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Delegation (UNCTAD) visited the Isfahan University of Technology, on November 23, 2015. The delegation was on a mission to assess the current state of the scientific progress and technological advancement in Iran. 

  • Announcement 5

    Text Announcement 5

  • First group publication on the blockchain technology!

    A joint paper by Dr. Manshaei, Mehdi Folladgar, Dr. Murtuza Jadliwala, and Anindya Maiti from University of Texas at San Antonio, with the title "A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Shard-Based Permissionless Blockchains"  has been accepted to the IEEE Access. 

  • M.Sc Defenses in Spring 2016

    Mr. Noorbakhsh and Mr. Mohammadi successfully defended their masters' theses in spring 2016. Mr. Noorbakhsh worked on the behavioral modeling of the electric vehicle in the smart grid and Mr. Mohammadi's thesis is titled: "Deception Modeling in Network Security: A Game Theoretic Approach". GTMD members congratulate them for their graduation.

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